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报告题目:Studying mathematics, statistics, finance and actuarial science at theUniversity of York报告人: Victoria Gould, Professor,The University of York,UK




I was an undergraduate and a PhD student at the University of York, then a temporary lecturer at Bristol and Manchester before holding a Royal Society Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Technishe Hochshule, Darmstadt. I returned to York with an SERC (now EPSRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship, before taking up a lectureship at York. Currently I am Professor of Mathematics and Head of the Pure Mathematics Section.

I am an algebraist, interested in (amongst other things) structure theory for semigroups, endomorphism monoids of universal algebras, semigroups of quotients,S-acts over a monoidSandT-posets over an ordered monoidT. Several of these themes appear in my recent work, which has focused on free idempotent generated semigroups. Further details of my publications maybe found in the York Research Database; further preprints and unpublished research notes areavailable athttp://www-users.york.ac.uk/~varg1/gpubs.htm.

The last decade has seen me involved in the Athena SWAN movement, which aims to promote the careers of women in science. Currently I am editor of several journals, including Semigroup Forum.


I am fortunate enough to live and work in Yorkshire - widely regarded asthe most beautiful and varied of the ancient counties of England - indeedthe travel guide Lonely Planet voted Yorkshire ’one of top global places’ tovisit in 2013. The region has a great variety of history, culture, landscapeand coastal regions. In the heart of the region, York and its University re-flect the excellence, quality and forward thinking the region is famous for.The University was founded in 1963 with a cohort of just 230 students.The original principles were ones of excellence in standards and qualityof teaching and student care. After five decades of expansion, the univer-sity now comprises nine colleges, thirty academic departments and around16,000 students - and we hold firm to our founding principles.

A member of the Russell Group of research-led universities, York ranksin the THE World University Rankings top 150 institutions one of theyoungest universities to do so. Other achievements include a rank of 14thoverall and 10th for the impact of its research in the 2014 Research Excel-lence Framework.

York is also the recipient of thirteen Athena Swan awards given to the uni-versity in recognition of its support for women scientists.

The university’s main campus is in the south-east of York, a short distancefrom the city’s historic centre. A recent £750m expansion plan has seenthe university extend its campus to include new laboratories and teachingspaces, as well as a sports village and a start-up incubator called Spring-board, which assists businesses and entrepreneurs in the early stages ofdeveloping their ideas.

The Department of Mathematics has around 45 academics, 10 Post-Docs,40 PhD students and 700 taught undergraduates and MSc students. On thestaff we have two FRSs, a Whitehead Prize winner, many colleagues witheditorial duties, and almost all staff producing work of high internationalquality and renown.

As well as undergraduate and integrated Master’s degrees in mathemat-ics, statistics and other combined programmes, we specialise in high-levelMSc programmes in Statistics and Mathematical Finance. York is uniquein being a research intensive university that yet puts so much care at anindividual level into its teaching.


