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报告题目:Risk Based Approach to Structural Integrity and Life Assessment

邀请人:李伟 副教授


报告人:Snezana Kirin,Associate Professor, University of Novi Sad


Snezana Kirin is B.Sc. in Mathematics, Ph.D.in engineering, doctoral dissertation "Managing Risk in the Modern Industrial System" at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad; She has been research associate with twenty years of experience in largest company in Serbia, Oil Industry of Serbia (NIS), mostly as the Head of the Department for Mathematical Modeling and Programming; also two years in the Moscow office of NIS as the coordinator for risk assessment. She is certified international lecturer for the course "Introduction to Risk and Safety Management in Industry". Since 2011 she is the Head of Novi Sad branch of the Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade.

She is also Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management of SMEs in Belgrade (Project management, organizational behavior, human resources, integrated management of human resources, quantitative methods).She has held course on statistics, "Scientific management" and "Quality Management” in "Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology, MCAST, Malta. She is Lecturer in multidisciplinary doctoral studies Belgrade University, majoring in "History and philosophy of natural sciences and technology," the subject "Technology and Transition".

She published more than 80 publications in per-reviewed journals, including 11 ISI papers. She is involved in one currently running project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia, and three currently running international projects.

报告摘要:New methodology for risk based approach to structural life assessment of pressure vessel has been introduced. Namely, 3D risk matrix has been defined with consequence axis taken as usual, whereas probability axis has been separated into two, covering effects of human factor and material defects. Toward this end, Failure Assessment Diagramme (FAD) and Paris law have been used here as simple engineering tool to estimate probability of the elastic-plastic fracture and fatigue failure, respectively. Probability of failure due to human factor has been estimated according to the survey performed (with operators and managers). With consequence estimated according to simple standard procedure (1-5, pxV itd), or by using more complex procedures (API 581, RIMAP), the novel risk based structural assessment has been completedThis simple engineering tool to assess structural integrity and life is also useful for management to make decision making process easier and more reliable.


上一篇:Edge coloring of graphs on surfaces

下一篇:Application of Fracture Mechanics to Structural Life Assessment
