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报告题目: Symmetry Analysis to the KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation

报告人:Professor Zhaosheng Feng (University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, USA)

邀请人:吴事良 教授



报告摘要: In this talk, we consider the KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation, a partial differential equation that occupies a prominent position in describing some physical processes in motion of turbulence and other unstable process systems. We convert the problem into an equivalent 3D-dimensional system and analyze its local dynamical behaviors. By means of the Lie symmetry reduction method and the Preller-Singer procedure, we show that there exist nontrivial bounded wave solutions under certain parametric conditions. Numerical simulations of wave phenomena are illustrated, which provide us rich dynamical information and are in agreement with our theoretical analysis.

报告人简介:Zhaosheng Feng,现为美国德克萨斯大学(University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley)理学院数学系终身教授。主要研究方向有非线性微分方程, 动力系统, 数学物理问题, 应用分析和生物数学等。目前在国际期刊上发表学术论文近百余篇,编辑出版4本英文著作,曾任第五届国际动力系统及微分方程学术大会组委会主席,目前任5个国际杂志的编委。

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