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应伟德国际BETVlCTOR李伟副教授的邀请,sanka Dikova副教授于9月23日下午15:00于信远楼206数统院报告厅做了题为“Mathematical Simulation in Dental Medicine”的学术报告,部分研究生与老师参加了此次学术报告会。

下午三点钟,报告会正式开始,此次学术报告会由李伟副教授主持,首先,李伟副教授首先向大家简单介绍了Tsanka Dikova副教授;接着,Tsanka Dikova副教授先向大家介绍了自己的团队以及瓦尔纳医科大学的一些基本情况,随后,Tsanka Dikova副教授又向大家介绍了关于牙科医学的一些基本常识以及自己所做的一些工作,使得在座的师生对牙齿医学有了一些基本的了解;然后,Tsanka Dikova副教授讲述了自己在牙科医学中所遇到的问题,并且讲述了利用数学模拟可以来解决缺牙部位的承重,并且用有限元的知识来进行受力分析可以达到最优,使牙齿更牢固。最后,Tsanka Dikova副教授表示希望大家能够一起合作,并且告诉同学们数学可以应用到很多领域,也希望同学们能够用数学知识来解决更多的问题。一个多小时后报告会结束,李伟副教授再次对Tsanka Dikova副教授的到来表示了感谢。


Dr Tsanka Dikovais associate professor in “Materials Science and Technology of Materials” at Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University-Varna, Bulgaria, vice-dean of the same faculty since 2013. She graduated Technical University of Varna in 1984. In 2004 she defended PhD thesis in Sofia, Bulgaria, and since October 2005 till April 2006 she worked as exchange-researcher in Tokai University, Japan, in the field of laser surface treatment of hot-work tool steels. In 2011/2012 Dr Dikova was Fulbright visiting professor in Rice University, Houston, USA, and worked 5 months in the field of synthesis of nanocoatings on titanium.Member of the Managing Council of Scientific Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, Bulgaria; Member of National Committee of Nanotechnologies at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Member of Union of Scientist, Technical Science, Varna, Bulgaria; Member of Bulgarian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.



